Friday, February 14, 2014

Why Chai and Couture?

A cup of Chai saves Nine
Chai and Couture? The two just don't blend. Why this name.
If ever someone were to ask me my preferred drink, it would be "chai" (indian name for tea) and not wine :). I love my cuppa chai and would not part with it for any treasure in this world. I get most of my work done, inspirations and conversations over chai.
I come from a small simplistic city in Gujarat - Baroda city. I have spent my most memorable and impressionable years there. Personlly I felt I have always been devoid of any sense of fashion or what worked best for me. Few years down the line, things changed and although a nutritionist, I took up jewellery designing.
From jeans I graduated to learning to groom and dress-up for the right occassions appropriately. I realised that the perfect balance in achieving and making your own personality comes only when you blend the simplistics with the trendy. That's where I struck my balance.
This blog hopes to tap new fashion statements....definitely not the outrageous ones (that's just not me) and I hope it assists in finding the best deals for the fashion conscious. I still am a complete "living-in jeans" girl, I just wear them differently. We all carry style in our own unique way, we just need to recognise it & realise what works for us. Read on and keep up with my updates.
After this blog, am sure more and more people will realise that nothing blends better than Chai with Couture :)

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